About Milan Men's Boutique
100% Made in Italy
Milan Men’s Boutique, the affiliated company of Milan Shoes, was established in 1986 to meet the increasing market demand for luxury items of the highest quality and finest workmanship. The Boutique was first opened in Singapore at The Paragon, catering to successful men with exclusive, world-renowned, high fashion Italian men’s ready-to-wear, shoes and accessories. Today, the boutique caters to men around the world that have the means to purchase anything they like as long it is expressing high quality contents. The well-heeled travellers who have experienced the best of high fashion at Beverly Hills in California of United States of America or Bond Street in London of United Kingdom will not be disappointed by the men’s collections at Milan Men’s Boutique.
The boutique provides a complete range of men’s ready-to-wear fashion from overcoats, coats, jackets, sweaters, vests, tuxedo, suits, shirts and trousers to tee-shirts, polo-shirts, jeans and shorts, as well as nightclothes and underwear. The boutique also offers the highest quality boots, shoes, sandals, slippers and other men’s accessories made of finest quality including belts, suspenders, ties, cummerbund, handkerchief, socks, fragrances, jewellery and other men’s accessories. From brands such as ARTIOLI, FRAY, GERLIN, HETTABRETZ, SAINTANDREWS, STEFANO RICCI, ZILLI, BRIONI, DALMINE and ZIMMERLI OF SWITZERLAND. The large varieties of top Italian fashion labels are provided to meet our valued customer needs under one roof exclusively at The Centrepoint.